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packing packing

For the conventional applications of packings, DEPAC offers a complete program of stuffing box packing.

The most modern braiding techniques as well as materials are used to produce top quality for for the best performance.

hydraulic seals hydraulic seals

It is especially important on the application of hydraulic seals that highest quality seals are used. Unexpected shut downs are extremely expensive and therefore special attention should be paid to achieve the best service life with the minimum wear of equipment or sealing surfaces.

So, if you too want to reduce the common losses due to shut downs, oil leakage, maintenance costs and surface wear, please discuss your applications with us.

shop maintenance
shop maintenance

One cannot picture today's industry without these types of modern maintenance products. The DEPAC product line ranges from corrosion prevention, coating, special lubrication to industrial cleaning.

Try our DEPAC 505 Anti-Sieze. It is white, Non-Metallic, High Temperature (2500°F) and Non-Toxic! There is nothing like it!

For more information on any of these products feel free to contact us.